Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why we love our vegetables

Debra is an avid golfer.  I am an avid vegetable gardener.  So much so that I designed custom-made raised beds.  I love to start from seeds, nurture them and then plant them in the spring.  Then I just watch them grow!   I have a tendency to overplant and as a result my garden becomes a jungle.  To be honest, I have difficulty finding all the vegetables hidden under the tangled growth of leaves and vines.  Last year as I was slashing through the garden with a machete I discovered a massive cucumber.  I mean HUGE.  Guinness Book of Records HUGE.

That weekend I attended a cookout that my friend, MB, was having to celebrate her Mom’s visit from Illinois.  Her Mom’s a wonderful lady, has been married forever, and is a bit naïve.  Well, as the party progressed and the wine flowed, I proceeded to tell my friends about the massive cucumber and without thinking blurted out that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to eat it or date it.  MB’s mom howled with LAFFter.

This year, I again had a marvel of a cucumber, however it was shaped incredibly strange.  Something like a giant dumbbell.   I had to let MB’s mom know about it. Fortunately, the timing was great.  MB had gone back to Illinois for a big family gathering:  aunts, uncles, siblings, nieces, nephews, the whole gang.  I picked that cucumber, went straight to Fed Ex, carefully wrapped it, and shipped it overnight from Atlanta to Illinois.  It was a huge hit at the gathering.  And MB’s Mom has the produce boy wondering why every time she passes the cucumbers she starts LAFFing.

LAFF, in spite of everything!

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